29 January 2009

25 Things...

So, the truth is I don't really have anything cool to blog about tonight, and its taken it out of my today just to survive, so I thought this would be interesting.

RULE: Once you've been tagged you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you it's because I want to know more about you...

Here are my 25 facts:
  1. One of the worst things for me is getting up. The whole idea of "Smile, its a new day!" doesn't hit me for a great while after I am awake. I love to sleep.
  2. I am rediculously stubborn, even to myself sometimes. Some ideas I just can't "get over."
  3. I am a horrible procrastinator. I suffer for it. I'm late just about everywhere, mostly because of the procrastination.
  4. I love media. I don't go many places without a computer. I rarely handwrite anything now a days because I can just type it.
  5. I want to do full time large scale youth ministry for a job.
  6. Lillian is most of my world. And she's cute too!
  7. I love my guys. More than they know. And, my girls are AMAZING. My whole world would be messed up without them in my life.
  8. I am so DONE with school. Just want that piece of paper that says GRADUATED.
  9. I do want to get married at some point. But it won't be for a while. I'm focused on the Lord, graduating, and ministry right now.
  10. I am an observer by nature. I will more often watch than participate. Unless its something I'm good at and need to step up and lead, I'll normally just watch.
  11. Work is getting old quick. I've never kept the same job both semesters since I have been in college. Ask me about that sometime.
  12. I've had the same cell phone number more than half of my life. & that says a lot cause I'm only 20.
  13. I can sleep just about anywhere if I am tired enough. And I love to sleep on airplanes. Its not very often I don't fall asleep.
  14. I have far too many clothes. More than any one person should own.
  15. I carry my backpack just about everywhere. Its like my grown up security blanket. If I have it, I feel safe.
  16. I tend to do things in order. But in order means how I think they should be, and don't always make a ton of sense to everyone else.
  17. This is taking forever.
  18. I'm not sure that I really want kids. My sisters can have me just a bunch of nieces and nephews to spoil.
  19. I'm not spontaneous pretty much at all. Seriously.
  20. I love to have sweet tea. I could drink it just about everyday. But I try not to.
  21. You need a twitter. Facebook status updates on steroids. Pretty cool.
  22. I dream of getting married. I want to get married, but I know right now that I need to be focused on the Lord and his purposes.
  23. I'm praying for my future husband. I can't wait to meet you babe!
  24. The Basement is a huge part of my life. That's like its own 25 random things post.
  25. And finally to the end, I love Jesus. I was set free from a life of suicide and depression and he has taken me places I dream of!
Love ya'll. Keep Jesus FIRST today! Be blessed!


Trina said...

Love it!

And your code is seriously messed up. What did you do LOL?!

All your sidebar stuff is at the bottom.

Trina said...

Forgot to send you that ebook, going to do that now...Sorry! LOL