20 November 2007

Beautifully Single

The title might seem like an oxymoron to some. We had this discussion last night at mens and women's ministry; it wasn't the focus of what we were talking about, but it was something that we addressed.
Kasey Graydon said this "I double dog dare you to submit yourself fully to God right now, when you aren't in another relationship. What God can do with you is something that he cannot due with a majority of the population."
I'm taking that dare. I'm saying right now, my focus (my thoughts and my actions) are on Him. I'm focusing on the fact that this time is beautiful. I am focusing on the fact that God could have me called to singleness, and honestly, I am completely okay with that. The accident really showed me that God does have a huge plan for my life, and right now I am at a point that he is telling me to be satisfied with him and with Him alone. To devote myself to the ministries the God has put in my life; I am saying to you that God wants all of me, and not the part that I have left over after I have a romantic relationship.
I am not saying that God is telling me to be single for the rest of my life. I am saying that I am going to take the rest of my time here at SEBC and focus on him. My mom always told me, "Kristyn the one who is worth it will wait for you." I know that I am meeting people right and left. I am meeting people that could be my future husband. But something that Ryan Kruise said "He won't give your one to someone else." Meaning that God won't take the man that he made for me (if he exists) and give him to someone else because I committed myself to him. When you read it that way, then its kind of bogus.
I am so excited to see what God is going to do in the next year; I am excited to say to you that I know that God will do something with me. Let's Roll!