31 January 2008

More Rambles

I’m sitting in Starbucks in Mountain Brook Alabama, typing something to post on my blog on my new Mac Book; it seems like a ridiculously common picture. I’ve become more of the kind of person who would own a Mac over the last year. I’ve become more of a quiet observer than anything else. And to be perfectly honest, I think it’s a good thing. It might seem like it would be bad, but being perfectly honest, it’s something that has made me more aware of the people and things around me than I was in the past. I know now what it means to listen, and that has definitely helped in my listening to God. Having changed so much of who I am over the last year, so many of my habits have too.
I’ve become more of a leader in the last year than in the years past. At times, I wonder why I do it. I wonder why I even find myself in leadership. I don’t always like it; there are times that being a leader is the last place that I want to find myself. But I find it so often. Pretty much everywhere that I find myself, I am a “leader” which is what makes me guess that leadership finds me rather than me looking for it. This makes me venture to guess this: most of the leadership positions that I am in are because of God’s choice rather than one I chose on my own. It’s a beautiful thing most of the time, but at times I wonder what would happen if I weren’t a leader.
Being a leader is something that I was born to do. Being a middle child, it’s not really what most people would expect out of me. They don’t see that I was born to do this. I talk to people often about leadership, much like I talked to Jason Gunnells about last night after church, and realize that some people aren’t born to be leaders. It took me a long time to realize that most people really aren’t born to do this. But the people who are, we all tend to think in similar ways. We tend to act in similar ways, at times out of desperation. There is a great burden of leadership that I didn’t understand until I was the “head” leader, and helped lead a large ministry with about three other people. A burden of the fact that the words I say or don’t say often lead others; the burden of the fact that because I lead in ministry, I am at war for souls. What I do here, like the quote says, directly affects eternity. One comment could make someone turn away from Jesus all together, or turn back to him.
I think that is the burden of anyone who calls themselves “Christian”. It hits me hard because of the fact that my name means that. “Christian” I am called on a regular basis. What kind of calling does that have on my life? I think the name that someone carries has a lot of weight in who they are. There are definitely people that don’t live up to what their name means, but I wonder why so often people do, and again, why is my name Kristin? And why does my middle name mean strong? A high calling, no doubt.
So I think that I’ve rambled more than I needed to, and I’ve got to get out of Starbucks and get Burke from Bible Study. I pray that each of you is blessed immensely.

And teens/ college students: if your reading this: check out myfamilyisclueless.com Its a place that you can tell your family what you wanted to tell them without revealing who you are.

Be Blessed Friends and we will talk soon!